Dear scott,
I returned to cycling this year for one reason: to fight for the 28 million people affected by cancer worldwide.We are making tremendous progress in this fight, but there’s still so much to be done. By next year cancer will be the #1 killer in the world and yet most of the world’s leaders lack any real plan to fight back.During my 20-day ride in the Tour I'm calling on leaders around the world to make major commitments to fight cancer worldwide – but I can’t do it alone. As a first step, will you join me and sign the World Cancer Declaration – a major global push to pressure the world's leaders to act now on cancer? http://livestrongaction.org/campaigns/commit-fight-cancer
As an added incentive, a donor has pledged to give $30,000 if we can collect 30,000 signatures before the end of the Tour.
I'll send these signatures to world leaders after the Tour de France and pressure them to make cancer a priority in their own countries. It’s our best chance to push for better treatment, more funding for cancer research and access to care for everyone around the world.Without your commitment, these leaders won’t pay attention. Will you sign the declaration then ask your friends and family to do the same?
When you sign the declaration, you'll be able to dedicate that action to a cancer survivor or caregiver who has inspired you. I dedicated my signature to my mom, who stuck by me – and fought alongside me – throughout my cancer fight. Who will you dedicate yours to?We’ll be keeping you updated on our progress over the coming weeks – meanwhile, join me at LIVESTRONG Action and make your commitment now:
Lance and the LIVESTRONG Action team
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