
Monday, November 30, 2009

The White Ribbon Cup

The White Ribbon Cup kicked off last Sunday with The Round Ball soccer development program hosting the event which next year will kick start White Ribbon Week in Mount Gambier. Event organiser and White Ribbon Ambassodor, Scott Dickson was delighted with the event and cant wait to see the the event grow next year. "It was fantastic to see the players take part in this years trial. We had a great game with our under 21 girls taking on a boys side for 45 minutes and then at half time both sides combining to play mixed football for the last 45. The game finished 5 goals to 3 but the result was not the important thing, it was the spirit of the game that was the most important aspect" said Dickson. "We want this competition to be special, a once a year opportunity for male and female footballers to compete against one another to raise awareness to a great cause."

This years game was held at Grant High School and featured the presentation of The Spirit of The Game Cup to Eleni Kourmosis and Alex Sims, the two players who demonstrated the values of the cup to the highest degree.

"At the end of the game we awarded the Cup and discussed the White Ribbon campaign. It was a great way to introduce the subject and inform a large group of people about White Ribbon" Dickson added.

Next year it is hoped that the White Ribbon Cup will involve several matches played over the Sunday prior to White Ribbon Day and the event will kick start the White Ribbon Campaign in Mount Gambier.

Mayor of Mount Gambier and fellow local ambassador Steve Perryman added his support to initiative saying the cup will provide a wonderful start to the week.

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