
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Soccer in elite drive forward

THE Round Ball Academy is thrilled to have Carlin and Gazzard Subaru on board as sponsors for its Elite Preparatory Program which was established in March this year with a focus of bridging the gap in development between country and metropolitan standards of soccer.
The elite program was established after three Round Ball members, Callum Ferguson, Thomas Renzi and Cameron Hart were involved in the reality television series Football Superstar at the
beginning of the year.
After such achievements had emerged from Mount Gambier, head coach Scott Dickson got in contact with Australian soccer icon Josip Skoko and his brother Ante who watched the boys play
and recommended a more elite and intense program was needed for them to reach
their true potential.
As the Round Ball only previously offered grass roots development to those aged 6-14, the Elite Preparatory Program, which comprises a squad of 18 players aged between 13-21, was created.
Dickson then sought out Carlin and Gazzard in an attempt to secure sponsorship
for jerseys.
“We went to Carlin and Gazzard because it is a local business with a proven track record of service to locals within the district in a high quality and professional manner,” Dickson said.
“In seeking Carlin and Gazzard’s sponsorship, we would like to emulate the success the business has had.”
Subaru sales manager Joe Dunning, who has strong ties within the soccer community,
playing senior soccer at Blue Lake, was pleased to offer sponsorship to the Round
Ball Academy in its efforts to help develop elite players in country South Australia.
“We want to help further the success the Academy has had so we have provided
them with new strips with our company name across the front,” Dunning said.
“The corporate identity associated with us (Carlin and Gazzard) will give the
Round Ball the ability to gain more exposure.
“We want to show our customers that we are supporting the local community.”
Dickson, yesterday, handed over a jersey which will be framed and hung in the
Carlin and Gazzard showroom.
The Round Ball is continuously building on and further developing its strong ties
with North Geelong Soccer Club arranging exhibition matches, one of which is
planned to be held in Mount Gambier in late January. Cameron Hart has recently
been signed with North Geelong while Renzi and Ferguson anxiously await trials.
Jose Estevez has been invited to participate in preseason training with the club
which is a good indication that with the assistance of the Elite Preparatory Program
many local soccer players will have the opportunity to reach their potential and move on
to bigger things.
“It’s all about improving the standard of country SA soccer to extend the players’
boundaries,” Dickson said.


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