
Friday, January 15, 2010

Do You Want To Wear Our Strip?

2009 was a huge year for The Round Ball and 2010 has started with the bar being raised even further. If you would like to be part of the EDP you must first of all agree to our Policies and Procedures.
An overview of our expectations is listed below...


In order for this program to achieve its goals, we need to be focused, driven and committed. Mediocrity will not be acceptable. We must demand more of ourselves on and off the playing field. "Winners make a commitment, losers make a promise," this statement will become the standard for our team in the future. It is easy to say I want to improve and help the team achieve its goals; but ultimately, it's your actions not words that will demonstrate your commitment to this program.

There are many challenges in life and as a result of this, sacrifices is inevitable. It is incumbent on you to make choices as to what is a priority. Just coming to practice is not enough. We cannot force you to do anything outside of the prescribed training regiment. As a member of the EDP, you are in essence putting soccer near the top of your priority list and in turn may be sacrificing many other opportunities. One of the expectations we spoke of as a recruited soccer player was your commitment to achieving our goals and your priorities being family, school or work and soccer.

Like in life, there are no guarantees! It is important to understand that everyone will have a role to play in this program. Accepting this responsibility depends on you. No matter the situation you find yourself in, you are a valuable member of the squad and our success is directly tied to your positive contribution on and off the playing field.

In order to clearly define what our expectations are of you as a member of this team, we have outlined our philosophy, policy and procedures. The following policies are not negotiable; if broken, there will be consequences. Read the information carefully. If you have questions or need clarification, please address them as soon as possible. Remember that ignorance will not be an excuse. We want everyone on the same page and hope this will help you focus on our goals.

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