
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 million by Saturday?‏

Dear Scott,

Unprecedented momentum has been building towards this moment – with over nine million people already supporting the 1GOAL call across the globe, through a range of exciting activities. Can we reach 10 million before the halfway stage of the tournament?

It couldn’t come at a better time: now the South African President has invited world leaders to a summit at the end of the World Cup to discuss the plan to get every child into school. This is the perfect opportunity, as the campaign for the World Cup ends, to focus on the campaign for universal education.

Now you have the chance to help this campaign reach an amazing 10 million supporters, at this crucial moment, by issuing your own Yellow Card calling on world leaders to guarantee schooling for every child:

World leaders need to agree on a plan to provide education, and to do that they’ll need to hear from all of us united in our demand to make education the lasting legacy of this World Cup. That’s where you come in.

If countries’ governments don’t believe there is a global demand for action on education, they won’t agree to fix the problem. Issue your own Yellow Card calling on world leaders to guarantee education for every child, and we’ll deliver it directly to them:

Our nine million supporters are drawn from cities, towns, and villages in over 120 countries, and have shown their support in an incredible range of ways. Teachers, students, local education activists, football fans and celebrities have all rallied, and whether they’re doing it using email, mobile phone, social networks or attending the World’s Biggest Lesson, we are becoming a global voice too large for world leaders to ignore.

In villages throughout Bangladesh, thousands of children have taken part in football matches in support of 1GOAL, joining 194,097 fellow Bangladeshis who have sent SMS messages to join the call for education for all.

In Senegal, the Senegalese President invited hundreds of 1GOAL supporters to the Presidential Palace where he made a public commitment to the 1GOAL campaign and its aim of making sure every child receives an education.

While in the United States, 1GOAL received national attention when the Good Morning America TV program visited a South African school in Soweto with the 1GOAL team.

You can be part of this global movement building momentum towards a world where every child is guaranteed an education, by sending your own Yellow Card to world leaders before the World Cup Final:

This opportunity is too good to miss – global attention will be on Africa, and world leaders will be pressed on the issue of education. Help us reach 10 million supporters by filling out your Yellow Card today.

Thanks for making a difference,
The 1GOAL team.

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