
Monday, January 18, 2010

Qualities of a Soccer Player Part 1


Positional Play

Players must have an understanding of their offensive and defensive functions (roles) on

the field.


Players should be looking around before they receive the ball to assess their options so

that when they receive the ball, they will know where to play the ball. Many players will

think about their options only when the ball is at their feet. Often this is too late and will

result in a loss of possession.


At all times players must know where they are on the field as their positions relate to the

location of the ball, their teammates and the opponents.

Instinctive Reaction

The better players will know how to react immediately in any given situation whether

under pressure themselves or relieving pressure from teammates. E.G. On offense they

will know how and where to run to create passing or shooting opportunities for

themselves or teammates. On defense they will know how far and how fast to retreat or

how quickly to challenge in order to avert danger.


One of the many beauties of the game is that all players have the opportunity to be the

quarterback. Whenever they are in possession they can affect the nature of the game.

For this reason players must be able to adapt quickly to any given situation. Players

away from the ball on offense and defense must also be able to adapt quickly to the

constantly changing "pictures" that the game presents.


There are many times in a game that players have to use their own individual flair to

create shooting or passing opportunities. Players who can turn quickly, evade challenges,

shoot off balance or perform their own "tricks" to create opportunities are assets to teams.

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