
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Former local soccer star Callum Ferguson took another huge step towards his dream of becoming a professional soccer player tonight taking to the pitch against some of the countries biggest soccer stars. Ferguson was selected to represent the Wimmera South Coast Eagles, acomposite under 21 development squad against the new A-League MelbourneHeart franchise. Ferguson was nominated by his current coach Ante Skoko, brother of former Mount Gambier resident and Socceroo, Josip Skoko to attend trials and as aresult of the trials he was offered a position in the squad. Scott Dickson, former coach and CEO of the Round Ball community football development program was delighted for Ferguson and the possibility ofdoors the experience may open. “This is the reason why Callum signed forNorth Geelong. High quality coaches, a supportive environment and plentyof opportunities for progression. We are very pleased for Callum and hisfamily it is a true indication that hard work and perseverance does payoff.” The game which wrapped up Melbourne Hearts three-day visit to Geelong forthe Community Football Festival took part at North Geelong's home ground -Elcho Park - with former Socceroos' Clint Bolton and Simon Colosimoheading the Heart outfit. Dutch signings Gerald Sibon and Rutger Worm also lined for the Heart.Marquee signing Josip Skoko missed the game and is not due to arrive backin Melbourne in the first week in July, just in time for the Heart’sexhibition game against Premier League powerhouse, Everton game on July 14 Heart will give an opportunity to a couple of trialists during tonight'sgame including Lawrence Thomas, a very promising keeper who has been atthe Australian Institute of Sport, and Green Gully youngster Nick Kalmar.It will also be a chance for all the Geelong boys to show that they areworthy of consideration for a higher level of football. Hearts' head of football operations John Didulica said recently that Heartwill integrate its youth league squad with the senior team and the visitto Geelong will provide a unique opportunity to asses local players worthyof consideration for a higher level of football. A full match report including photographs of Callum’s brush with the starswill be included in Tuesdays Border Watch

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